Simple yet super awesome blog by tengda.
Monday, February 8, 2010 @
it's a natural thing - the very first time i got into the orchestra, everything seemed to be so difficult - the intonations, crecendos, decrecendos, ascents, changing of strings, the tunes, the tempos and the everything. freak it. i was at the rock bottom of viola section. below jocelyn, cheryl, cheryl (yes my beloved senior), huiyi, wanling, huijun, weizhen, jiayu and idk who. mr lim and mr wong were strict. notice the word 'were'. not anymore now.

and now, everything seemed so easy - i worked my way up (i didn't even bring home my musical instrument home to practice). oh come on. im not even a prodigy. the standard's just decreased. im serious. mr wong is now reaching the twilight of his career. and i dont even dare to foresight string's future. pardon me for saying that.

mr wong has contributed so much for us. look at how difficult it is for him to climb up to the 4th floor. he never even grumble or whatsoever.

look at first violin, you'll know. look at second violin, oh man. perhaps look at viola - im not siding my section either. cellists and double-basists are doing good. string orchestra needs to buck up.

no one will read this from what i know, maybe vivian (she got potential). the only ones who can help are sec2s and the sec1s. 2 months more and im gone. i cant bear to leave my section. who'll be there to help them?

to play well, all you have to do is to appreciate music. it's as simple as that.

ang tengda
16, currently studying in NCHS
vice chair of 3A & 4A - always the #1 class,

1A, 2A, 3A, 4A



Cassandra |
Gerald |
Lyman |
Michelle |
Pearlyn |
Qimin |
Rachel |
Sihui |
Siyi |
Tiffany |
Weekian |
Yixiong |

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Designer: .fourth!Romance
Inspiration: Exuvalia and mintypeach.