Simple yet super awesome blog by tengda.
Sunday, August 29, 2010 @
i need a guardian angel who can save my life.

Friday, August 20, 2010 @
it was on thursday when i was marking my own physics tys answers.


and i remembered this moment long time ago:

around 3 i suppose. my mom was like teaching me how to draw ticks. yeah. and she didnt like what she saw. probably they were'nt straight or whatsoever. i dont know. but she kept on erasing and erasing...hmm... and i have to draw so many times until i cried. she dont really expect much from me right now. all i do is to bring home the report book. she'd just look and pass to my father to sign. they didnt say anything.

and why did she bother so much about me not being able to draw a perfect tick in the past? i dont really know.

maybe that one day of punishment made me understand things in life should be done with 100% effort, and also not to take any things for granted.

thanks mom. you made me appreciate the ticks i draw in life - both literally and figuratively.

ang tengda
16, currently studying in NCHS
vice chair of 3A & 4A - always the #1 class,

1A, 2A, 3A, 4A



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Designer: .fourth!Romance
Inspiration: Exuvalia and mintypeach.